Through excellence in cancer research, education, and community engagement, the Partnership between the University of Puerto Rico and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center aims to reduce health disparities derived from infection-driven malignancies in Texas and Puerto Rico, and increase the number of Hispanics pursuing careers in cancer research.
A centralized Scientific Communication Core (SciCom) was established to provide a wide range of educational, editorial, and publishing services, free of charge, to faculty and students at University of Puerto Rico (UPR) and University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center (UPRCCC). This core will strengthen the overall cancer research enterprise in infection-driven malignancies in Puerto Rico and Texas, will help increase the scientific productivity of our faculty and students, and will support the implementation of UPRCCC’s roadmap leading to the submission of a CCSG (P30) for NCI designation as a Cancer Center.
Services coordinated by SciCom include:
Scientific editing
Poster preparation
Preparation of educational materials
Internal Review Study Section (INTEREST) submissions